Workshop Review Guidelines


Workshops provide an in-depth review of or introduction to a topic of interest, and should provide participants with materials and/or ideas that are immediately useful in the classroom.


SIGCSE Technical Symposium workshop proposals are reviewed within EasyChair. Please ensure that you have followed all of the guidelines in the General Review Process.

Reviews of workshop proposals are not blind. Each proposal is assigned to at least three reviewers.

As stated in the general review guidelines, “[r]eviewers provide high-quality reviews for submissions to provide authors with feedback so they may improve their work for presentation or future submission[s].” As such, please ensure that all criticism is phrased in a constructive manner.

Your overall recommendation should focus on significance and relevance, anticipated interest, and quality. In assessing significance and relevance, your primary resource should be the (surprise!) “Significance and Relevance of the Topic” section of the proposal. Similarly, in assessing anticipated interest, you should pay particular attention to the “Expected Audience” section. Finally, in assessing quality, you should consider all sections except “Space and Enrollment Restrictions” and “Audio/Visual Requirements.” The program and track chairs will consider these sections and the availability of appropriate facilities, as well as feedback on, and attendance at, similar workshops that have been offered in previous years


The discussion and recommendation period provides the opportunity for reviewers and track chairs to discuss reviews and feedback so they can provide the best recommendation for acceptance or rejection to the Program Chairs. We ask that reviewers engage in discussion when prompted by other reviewers or the track chairs by using the Comments feature of EasyChair. During this period you will be able to revise your review based on the discussion, but you are not required to do so.

Track chairs will make a final recommendation to the Program Chairs after considering the reviews.